Showing posts with label Current Affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Current Affairs. Show all posts

Friday, 13 April 2012

Originals are the best

Remixes might gain or lose their places, but the originals would remain at the top. Expenses of creating an original is high in comparison to making a remix, so the music companies sometimes fear to count on the original music only. The remixes may have succeeded in attracting the young generation to some extend, but this success is short-lived. Sooner or later some become aware of the charm of the original ones, while the others remain ignorant of them.

Nonetheless, nobody would doubt the creativity in the original is far superior to its remix which has some additional or fresh beats and tunes with video full of gorgeous and exposing models and their boogieing steps or missteps all through the song. It has been rightly said that remixes are more seen than listened and have no chance of reaching into the hearts of millions of music lovers. However, nowadays some originals and their remixes are made at the same time by the same music directors, giving no hope to anybody else.

Dealing with Garbage

The system of 'Lifting Garbage from Doorsteps' is the appropriate
one to deal with the garbage problem and keep the city clean. It
should always be one of an excellent planning with an excellent
purpose. In many places, this system is implemented with success.
These areas are cleaner than the areas where garbage is thown in
the bins or containers kept to collect it. Besides insects teeming
in numbers, birds and animals, in search of food, scatter the
garbage all around the containers.

Hence, the 'Lifting Garbage' method should replace the containers
everywhere, as some people feel too labourious or indolent or
embarrassed to go out carrying the garbage to discard it in the
containers, and end up throwing it at any convinient spot near their