Showing posts with label RULE AND FIGHT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RULE AND FIGHT. Show all posts

Friday, 15 June 2018


I believe God has given us land to live peacefully. We have divided the land and have started to fight. The world is divided not only on the basis of region, but also religion, caste, language, colour, sex et al. The more people are divided, the more the fight is. Now this fight has turned into the big fight which is common in any neighbour and house.

Earliar Mohammad Gori was invited by Raja Jaichand to get rid of Prithviraj Chauhan. Mohammad Gori came to India and never went back. Instead he stayed back, removing Jaichand too, to rule India. East India Co. came to India and saw how much people are divided. They became the ruler of India simply by making friend fight against friend and brother fight against brother.

In several occasions, many saints and God himself in human forms had come to human’s rescue. But they are misunderstood and we have continued to live as we are reputed to be: divide, rule and fight. For instance, followers of Gautam Buddha and Mahavira got divided and are always against each other.

Even the government of India has divided Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh into two states respectively. Has the government ever thought of merging two states?

Someone said “Talent win games but teamwork and intelligence win championship.”  We understand teamwork and intelligence, together with talents, could do wonders towards the development of nation as whole. It is said two is better than one and three is better than two and so forth. And all united, without any distinctions, would rise as one. Consequently we can strengthen ourselves and strengthen our nation. We can develop ourselves and develop our nation too. Is it so difficult to stay united?