Showing posts with label 5S In India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5S In India. Show all posts

Saturday 28 July 2018

5S In India

Recently we have cleaning and hygiene week plan with a Japanese management methodology 5S: Sorting (Seiri), Straightening or sorting in order/ stabilize (Seiton), Sweeping or shining or cleaning/ systematic cleaning (Seiso), Standardizing (Seiketsu), Sustaining the discipline or self-discipline (Shitsuke).Department-wise everybody has contributed and it was not only executed successfully but also maintained on daily basis.

What I am thinking if a methodology can be implemented in an organization, whether 5S can be implemented in our country. If our country is assumed as a big organization with the government as the management team, having the power to put 5S into practice and every citizen of India being educated in how to contribute and maintain it for the sake of our nation, would not be a bad idea. The complete scenario would differ incalculably, if it is put into action successfully and we would come up not only as a clean and healthy India but also an organized India.