I always believe creativity is directly related to place.
Little did I realize that creativity in Goa
would be different from the places like Medchal in A.P., Bauria in W.B., Kannur
in Kerala, etc.
In the month I arrived i.e. May, the reservation issue was
hot enough to make me write my opinion regarding it and send it to The Navhind
Times. It was published. It was my first letter to editor. Numerous letters
followed it in addition to one published in The Week and I got them added to my
site. A poem: ‘On the Pavement He Lay’ was also published in the Sunday
Magazine of The Navhind Times: Panorama.
If my creativity got its wings while staying at Fort Gloster
Staff Quarter where my mood got much time and more space to develop and what
followed is now seen in Goa where many of my
work are published although those were without any payment. It will come when
it has to, I believe. Now it is the time to develop more and more and reach
where my creative power would lead me to.
The computer has brought more development to my creativity.
My experiment with HTML and Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady has to said
noteworthy as it has given new dimension to my creativity.