Showing posts with label Creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creativity. Show all posts

Monday, 23 July 2018


I believe creativity is closely associated with a place and vice versa. I was born at Cannanore in Kerala, spent some time in Orissa, educated in West Bengal, employed in Andhra Pradesh and now in Goa.

From Kerala, I came to Howrah in West Bengal to learn Bengali, Hindi and finally English which became the medium of expression and the language of my creativity.

At Howrah, I did picture study from comics and at Rameshwar Nagar, Bauria, Howrah, I began to write: started with anecdotes to poems and stories.

While staying at Fort Gloster Staff Quarter, my creativity developed into various forms: poems, stories, novlettes/novels, dialogues/dramas, chalk carving and more.

After some years, I shifted to Medchal near Secunderabad and Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh to find more ideas and creativity awaiting me. Also I collected passages from 'The New Testament' and 'The Gita'. A Poem also got published in Woman’s Era.

In Goa, I have stated to write letters to the Editors which has always helped me build up my confidence. Eventually, I have self published three books and sent them to book fairs. Besides, I have created a site:

I think a lot awaits me while I would be visiting another place. Surely, ideas are unlimited in this round world.

Sunday, 22 July 2018


A seed is sown,
It has lots of creation inside;
So what is in this world outside?
What can restrain it destined to be grown?
It may not be noted;
But it is always there
Changing every time there
Fighting and living unknown;
Come storm, come rain,
Boldly it has faced a lot,
Wildly it has changed a lot,
Grown big, so is its pain,
So wide is its shade
And wider goes its perfume,
Not so much to make a soul presume
A creation is perfectly made.

Unknown, unloved and unadorned,
Unsung the creation has its destruction inside
So what is in this world outside?
What can restrain it now destined to be destroyed?
It may not be noted
But it is always there
Changing every time there
Fighting and dying unknown;
Come storm, come rain,
Disintegrate each and every piece,
Cremate each and every piece,
There is nothing now to gain,
Gone forever is the shade,
Gone forever is the perfume,
Gone so far away to make a soul presume
There has never been a creation perfectly made.

Read my other Poems

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Creativity in Goa

I always believe creativity is directly related to place. Little did I realize that creativity in Goa would be different from the places like Medchal in A.P., Bauria in W.B., Kannur in Kerala, etc.

In the month I arrived i.e. May, the reservation issue was hot enough to make me write my opinion regarding it and send it to The Navhind Times. It was published. It was my first letter to editor. Numerous letters followed it in addition to one published in The Week and I got them added to my site. A poem: ‘On the Pavement He Lay’ was also published in the Sunday Magazine of The Navhind Times: Panorama.

If my creativity got its wings while staying at Fort Gloster Staff Quarter where my mood got much time and more space to develop and what followed is now seen in Goa where many of my work are published although those were without any payment. It will come when it has to, I believe. Now it is the time to develop more and more and reach where my creative power would lead me to. 

The computer has brought more development to my creativity. My experiment with HTML and Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady has to said noteworthy as it has given new dimension to my creativity.