Thursday, 19 July 2018

Sri Kalathil Kavu

Sri Kalathil Kavu is located at Alavil, in Kannur district of Kerala State which is situated in the southern region of India.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018


Strolling alone down the Mahatma Gandhi Road at around ten p.m., I felt I was followed. I turned round and found none. Resuming towards my house, I thought of Shalini who had been the centre of attraction at the party I was returning from. Immediately, I heard someone saying, ‘Forget her’.

Again I twisted round and got nobody. It was just a fantasy I decided and continued to walk, after taking the narrow lane with the trees on either side of it.
A tree showed some movement. And I sensed that I was pursued. There I veered about, to spot there. I could not believe it. I saw a man vanishing behind a tree. He wore nothing more than the clothing that covered from waist to knee. And … And…. I concluded I saw two horns on his head.
Sensing some movement over my head, on the branches of the tree, I looked up to inquire and was successful in discovering what caused everything to draw my attention. It was only a monkey. Nodding my head in utter surprise that I could waste my valuable time in this trivial thing, I paced towards my sweet home, but heard: ‘Wait.’
Even though I felt it all nonsense, I waited I did not know why. There was my home, only a few meters away, but I stood there, waiting, waiting for…..
Once again I sighted a man with two horns. I was compelled to run, not into the house, but far away from it. I was successful in moving away from my house, but not away from the trees. I wanted to dash out of this narrow street to M.G.Road, but I could not get it.
‘You can’t run away like this,’ heard I and I came to a stand, only to spin about and locate that monkey watching me from a distant tree, and that the horned man was approaching me.
The only thing I could do was to distract his attention to the monkey, simply by pointing my index finger violently. I was convinced that it would be enough to save my life, and was stunned, when I fathomed that he was not at all paying attention to the animal and went on advancing towards me.
While endeavouring hard to hasten away, I stumbled to the ground.
‘You can’t run away,’ heard I, this time louder than before. It seemed to be my end, a very terrible end, reflected I and gave up any more effort to flee, and allowed him to draw near me.
‘Don’t be afraid of me,’ he said. ‘I intend no harm’.
‘So you have decided to eat the monkey.’
‘No, I eat no one and nothing.’
‘Then why are you after me? And this monkey?’ I received no answer.
‘Why are you both after me?’ I said, almost shouting.
‘Only I am after you, not it,’ he said, suddenly becoming solemn.
‘Why?’ I shouted, abhorring every part of this suspense.
‘Because this monkey is only the beginning of you’, after a brief pause, he continued, ‘and you are the end of yourself. I am not a man, not a demon, but the god of death. I have only come to take you.’

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Knowledge of English

Nowadays, a working knowledge of English is a must. Speaking it correctly and fluently is considered as the prized asset. Therefore introduction of the language at the early stage would give enough time to students to master it even they communicate widely in mother tongue. 

Transformation of a sentence is easier to learn than its translation which needs familiarity with two languages and more practice. Additionally, the students must possess the habit of thinking in English and not in their mother tongue.

Preventing Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is an unyielding disease eating into our society for long time now. Even though scientists and science together are inventing vaccines and medicines to cure the dangerous diseases, Cocaine, Heroin and their corresponding items which have taken a more menacing appearance than cigarettes, are sucking the blood of youth. 
Furthermore it has become one of the most lucrative business to play with the emotion of young generation and destroy their future since one who is depressed or mentally weak to face the world or keeps bad company or for some other reasons gets addicted to drug and can cross any limits to acquire a pinch of it which may come in exchange of the most valued thing in one’s life.

Friday, 15 June 2018


Relationship between rains and me has been long since my childhood. I still remember my mother getting irritated when I returned home from school, then college, and then work all drenched from head to shoes.

Even now I enter the office partially or entirely wet. Once I have proclaimed in my office that getting wet is my very old romance with rains.

In West Bengal, when going to school, I used to find the way leading to my school flooded with water which could never be said to be clean and worth enjoying while walking through it. Besides, in Calcutta (now Kolkata), if it is raining, it is believed one should not wait and see, but rush to one’s destination. And if you wait, you would find water coming up in streets. I had seen how the swimming pool at College Square got flooded and water made its easy access to the surrounding streets.

Although Hyderabad and Secunderabad had scanty rains, streets got flooded. Blame it on the poor drainage system.

Heavy rains then follow suit in Goa.

Intermittently, rain here is the prankster. I would feel the drops falling on my head, but before I could pull out the umbrella in my bag, it would stop showering. It seems rains do not like me holding the umbrella. Subsequently the romance continues


I believe God has given us land to live peacefully. We have divided the land and have started to fight. The world is divided not only on the basis of region, but also religion, caste, language, colour, sex et al. The more people are divided, the more the fight is. Now this fight has turned into the big fight which is common in any neighbour and house.

Earliar Mohammad Gori was invited by Raja Jaichand to get rid of Prithviraj Chauhan. Mohammad Gori came to India and never went back. Instead he stayed back, removing Jaichand too, to rule India. East India Co. came to India and saw how much people are divided. They became the ruler of India simply by making friend fight against friend and brother fight against brother.

In several occasions, many saints and God himself in human forms had come to human’s rescue. But they are misunderstood and we have continued to live as we are reputed to be: divide, rule and fight. For instance, followers of Gautam Buddha and Mahavira got divided and are always against each other.

Even the government of India has divided Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh into two states respectively. Has the government ever thought of merging two states?

Someone said “Talent win games but teamwork and intelligence win championship.”  We understand teamwork and intelligence, together with talents, could do wonders towards the development of nation as whole. It is said two is better than one and three is better than two and so forth. And all united, without any distinctions, would rise as one. Consequently we can strengthen ourselves and strengthen our nation. We can develop ourselves and develop our nation too. Is it so difficult to stay united?  

Thursday, 14 June 2018


With my mind’s fecundity
I create to extol your beauty
Which is the peace of my mind:
Those mountains which bring in
A cooling wind to fight the warmth
On this earth, around this mind;
 Those rivers which keep in
The low absorbing waves to quell the flame
Upon this earth, for this mind;
Those flowers which give in
A sweet fragrance to diffuse the life
Around this earth, by this mind;
Those birds which arise in
A fighting hope to touch the sky
Above this earth, with this mind;
And those smiles which live in
A brave heart to face the darkness
Behind this earth, near this mind –
They all go on breathing in
In this life to protect against any harm
On this earth, in this mind.

Politics For The Development Of The Society

Our present leaders could do anything to win the election. These leaders want to win votes, seats and power at any rate; not knowing what society wants from them and expects them to do. Gone are the days when leaders did politics for the welfare of the society. 

Chanakya did politics to bring Chandragupta to throne. Shree Krishna did politics to guide the Pandavas to victory in the battle against the Kauravas for the well being of the society.  

The present leaders should think about the welfare of the people and society. Instead of securing their seats with their political 
activities and making poverty, unemployment and others their political issues to win votes, seats and power, they should concentrate more on solving problems of the people and society. 

Leaders should not ignore what the people want or expect them to do. Needless to say, the people and society would definitely vote for them and give them power to continue their fight for the development of the society.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018


We all want to develop ourselves. Personal growth is more important than the progress around us. We should develop in ourselves the confidence of building a much better nation:

THINK POSITIVE: Thinking positive makes lots of difference. People with negative thinking have low self confidence while the positive people are more successful in life, become icons and set instances of success for other people.

PLAN YOUR DAY: Whatever we do, we need to plan our activities and endeavor to adhere to the plan. Sometimes, we find not all goes according to our plan. Despite this, there must be some planning in our life. When the planning works, we feel better and plan better.

KNOW YOURSELF: We should know ourselves better than anybody else. This can be done by listing the strong and the weak points in us. We should know ourselves before anybody else surprises us pointing our strengths and weaknesses.

STRENGHTEN YOURSELF: We should not to relax on the strengths we have but need to strengthen ourselves day by day. All have the strong and the weak points in us. We have to recognize the strong points in us and improve them to the limit that they would never be weakened.

STRENGHTEN YOUR WEAKNESSES: Once we have recognized and strengthen our strong points, we need recognize our weaknesses and strengthen them. This is important. Do not leave them alone. Any particular weakness should be converted to our strength.

SELF ANALYSIS: Self analysis is important in the path of development. We should know where we stand before we start to find our way to development. Self analysis works wonder to boost our self confidence.

NO TENSION: Most people lose confidence in themselves when they are tense. Tension is everywhere – in home, office, even going for an interview or while going to work or starting a new business. Having confidence, think positive, plan or prepare well, analysis your activities, there would be no tension. There should be no place for tension or negative thinking in our mind. Tension and negative thinking could affect our confidence.

RELAX: Relax when you get time. Sometimes relaxation brings back the confidence in us. Do not think about work when eating but enjoy the meal. Meal enjoyed would be good for health. In between busy schedule, close the eyes to relax for a moment or two.

SLEEP WELL: Sometimes sleeping does what medicines can not do. Sleeping cures some of the diseases. Sleep well to wake up fresh for a fresh day.

World’s Rarest Creatures

All attempts by scientists to save world’s rarest creatures should have to be appreciated. Melting of poles, changing weather conditions and deforestation, besides others, are the principal reasons for the creatures going extinct. Recently there were many incidents of animals in search of food enter into human locality where they were either killed or captured even though human depredations were the reason behind their reduced territory. For the production of wooden materials, the forests are destroyed, leaving wild creatures almost homeless. Besides, they have scarce food. Logically, seeking food, they would cross their territory and enter into human localities. Remember, sensible humans too have crossed any limits to survive. Their language may be different from us, but they too need home and food to survive. Their home and food come to us in the form of luxury. It means they are, by endangering their lives and becoming extinct, paying the price for our comfortable life. Or to be accurate they are made to pay the price. And it seems we naturally do not care for them as long as we are comfortable. 

There are lots of creatures which are extinct like the dinosaurs. Some are: Tasmanian wolf originally lived in Australia but since its food grew scarce, it moved to Tasmania and in 1993, the last known Tasmanian Wolf died in a Tasmania zoo; meganthereon, better know as the sabretoothed tiger lived in Africa alongside early man; dodo never learned to fly and the last known dodo died on a Ship; orestias cuvieri, fish that grew up to 30cm long, lived in Lake Titicaca, in South America, but trout introduced into the lakes during the 1930s ate all of them and the trout were eaten by lamprey; moa, the giant bird, lived in New Zealand; sivatherium, a close relative of the giraffe, which lived in Africa, was hunted by early humans; giant boa which grew up to five metres long, was killed by early humans for food et al. The list is endless, as there may be numerous which became extinct before they could come across humans. 

Now one would wonder how the future world would be without some of present creatures, for instance tigers. Scientists have their list of endangered creatures, and they have chalked out their saving programs to save them from becoming extinct, but the saving programs should not be limited to those in the list. The protection of forest areas which are their homes with abundant supply of food for them is of foremost importance. Nature must maintain its balance. Nature should be allowed to maintain its natural balance. If we force it to lose its balance, we have to pay the price ultimately. Yes ultimately we suffer. Naturally, we suffer.